About Me


Does it get any better than this?

Hi. I'm Adam and thank you for visiting my blog. I started writing for fun when I got out of college (2006-ish). I'm a huge Minnesota Twins fan and at the time, I started a blog about the Twins and ran that for several years. Then, as Minnesota sports teams are known to do, the team sucked for several years and I lost my interest in writing about them every week. What I found, however, was that I really enjoyed writing and the process of writing and so over the years, I've started and run a couple of other blogs. One was about running when I was into that for awhile, and then there was this one. Initially, this was just going to be a place where I could write about whatever. It still is that, to some degree, but what it has become is mostly a place to share my theologically-oriented thoughts. It's mostly about stuff I am learning and processing through. I live in the western suburbs of Chicago, I'm married and my wife and I have three young kids that keep us busy. If you want to get in touch with me directly, you can email me at adam [dot] krueger1 [at] gmail [dot] com.

The "Thief" on the Cross

Two other criminals were also led away to be executed with him.  So when they came to the place that is called “The Skull,” they crucified...