"Once Saved, Always Saved?" by David Pawson
This is such an excellent treatment of a difficult subject. The thing I enjoy the most about this video is how it encourages me to persevere and endure in the Faith. Pawson knows his Bible and I find this teaching to be in-line with what the whole of what Scripture teaches on the subject of Salvation and Assurance.
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'The Chosen' - the first TV series about the Life of Jesus and his Disciples This show is so outstanding, I can barely put words to it. What I will say is this: it makes me want to give my life and all of my heart to Jesus. This show has brought me to tears more than once and I love how the director and producers have faithfully preserved Jesus' Jewish heritage and culture and how they bring each disciple to life. Its so easy to read Scripture and have these characters feel kind of dry, this show gives a glimpse, even if only imagined, of what the disciples might have been like while Jesus was here on earth. I cannot recommend this show highly enough. Download their app in either the Apple Store or Android store and you can watch all of the episodes (all of Season 1 and Season 2, for free) |
Mazzaroth: Story of Yeshua (Part 1 of 3)
Really amazing stuff that comes out of Psalm 19 - at one point I intended to make a series of posts about this subject but life got in the way. It is very inspiring stuff though and this 3 part series is the best encapsulation of it that I have seen.
Apocalyptic People: How the Maranatha Message Changes Everything
This particular video is just one video amongst a much longer Revelation bible study series, but uniquely and succinctly captures the importance of a forward-looking Gospel message. The work that Jesus did on the Cross is important, but it was unto a future reality, unto His future Kingdom and having the forward-looking view is what drives discipleship and obedience in this life.