Monday, June 1, 2020

A Prayer of the Heart

Lord Jesus - I feel such a heaviness lately...a weariness with the on-going pandemic, an angst for friends and family that I know whose livelihoods are being threatened in a variety of ways, and all the while a deep desire to return to something that more closely resembles 'normal life', we we can interact together face-to-face without the need of masks and distance. Father, my heart also hurts for the racial division in this country. First - that a man lost his life at the hands of another whose job it was to protect it. Second for the open wound of racism in this country and for the pain that it continues to cause day after day. Third, for the small business owners and employees whose storefronts and livelihoods have been caught in the crossfire of anger. Lord, have mercy on us Father - please remember us in our time of need, as a nation.

It is more clear than ever that the very core of man is sinful. Our earthly bodies and minds are continuously ravaged by a desire to make ourselves the center of existence. Lord, we are not worthy to call ourselves your sons or daughters, and yet you love us anyway. In your lovingkindness, Father, you have made a way for us to know you and relate to you. Help us to remember that we were once lost Lord, that we were once your very enemy, but that you were so generous, loving and kind to us and didn't stop pursuing us. Help us to remember this when we want to lash out at others in anger, either in deed or in word. Help us to see the best in others, even when their teeth are gritted and tensions are high. Help us to see other people as you see them Lord, as literal creations of the God Most High, endowed with the very likeness of you Lord. Help us to remember that you said, "greater love has no one than this, that one should lay down his life for his friends." To love one another is to love you Lord Jesus.

Father, my cry is "Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus"! I feel the brokenness in myself and I see it in others. Lord, I confess that I am weak and that I am easily distracted by the cares and concerns of this life. That I quickly lose sight of how unsurpassingly great and powerful you are and begin to doubt. Like Peter with one foot out of the boat, I start to think about the waves all around me and lose sight of where I am take the very hand of God. Lord, please use this time of worldwide upheaval to strengthen my faith and the faith of those around me, to ground us and root us in your truth and promises. Give us boldness to proclaim with our mouths all that you have done for us.

Lord, I pray for your people Israel as well - Lord, that you would hasten the bringing in of the fullness of the Gentiles and that you would begin to turn the hearts of your people Israel back to you. Lord, if there is something I can do, send me, I'm willing.

Father - please be merciful to us; help us to see what you are doing around us and give us a willing spirit to join in with that work. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on your return and Lord, give us revelation and guidance through your Holy Spirit to keep us on the narrow path that leads to righteousness. In Jesus name, Amen.

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