Thursday, October 22, 2020

Anyone Paying Attention?

Tomorrow in lovely DuPage County, Illinois, the governor of our state has decided to increase restrictions due to the positivity-rate associated with COVID testing. So, like any reasonable citizen, I went to look at the numbers myself.

As of today, DuPage County has had 600 confirmed COVID deaths. 600 out of 1,000,000 doesn't seem like a lot, but I then I thought, why stop there? Why not look and see when DuPage County passed 500 deaths. Is this thing getting worse or better? So I looked and it was easy information to find - DuPage County passed the 500-deaths mark on June 26th. Today is October 22nd, it took nearly 4 months, in a county of 1,000,000 people for 100 people to die of COVID...but we are increasing restrictions because of a rising positivity rate??

Is anyone paying attention? Pardon my language, but what in the hell is going on here? I wish that DuPage County published its cases and deaths information for every other common disease like it is posting its numbers on COVID. I truly believe we would see that more than 100 people in the County have died from at least 2-3 other things over that same period of time.

I'm trying so hard to not let this get to me, but at this point, I'm am extremely frustrated by the state government dictating to all of us citizens how we should live our lives in light of what is actually happening. We (and I mean, most of us) don't need or want the state's help in navigating this anymore. I don't trust their motives, I don't trust their ability to decide what is best for anyone and I am increasingly skeptical that they will willingly give up the power they have decided to take. Per the Circuit Court of Illinois, the Governor's executive orders no longer hold any power and haven't now for months. The state vowed to appeal that ruling, but that decision remains in effect until and unless they actually win an appeal. Its time for businesses (and churches!) to start standing up for themselves and making their own decisions. Given the data that is available on this - you don't need a medical degree or epidemiology background to know that this is not some existential threat to life.

100 out of 1,000,000, in 4 months! Wake up!

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