Wednesday, March 24, 2021

If Everything Is Racial, Nothing is Racial

I recently started reading Doug Wilson's blog, cleverly named "Blog & Mablog". He had a post on recent current events, two shootings which occurred within days of each other, one in Atlanta and one in Boulder, CO. Two things that were immediately brought to the fore-front of the national discussion were the predictably tired overtures about gun-control, but this time around we also had a significant racial commentary. Both were knee-jerkingly blamed on 'white supremacy' when it appears that neither really had anything to do with white supremacy (the Boulder shooter, for example, wasn't even 'white'). Anyway, to Doug Wilson's comment that made me think:

"We have a problem, and the problem is one of hyperinflation. If accusations of racism came in a currency like papiermark, and they do, what it amounts to is that we have so much of it sitting around in piles now that it is worth nothing anymore. The printing presses are hot, and you can't even buy a paper clip with paper currency anymore. Being a racist today is like becoming a millionaire in the Weimar Republic." (Strunk & White Supremacy)

In other words, if everything that happens is labeled by race, or framed in terms of racism, then nothing is about race or is racist. The terms, by sheer volume of usage, lose their meaning and importance altogether. This is happening with all sorts of things in our culture and only gets worse and worse the more we allow the elites and mass media divide up the people into 'us vs. them'. The peddlers of 'everything is about race and racism' used to be confined to a small group of race-baiters, with their primary spokesmen being Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Now you have entire media outlets dedicated to fueling this rhetorical dumpster fire, eager for the clicks and views of a nation divided on false premises. The great majority have tuned it out, though some have chosen to wrap their identities around it, eager to play the victim and urged on by media and academia.

I'm not sure where it ends up, but I am sure that if everything continues to be framed in these terms, the terms themselves will become ever more meaningless.

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