Thursday, January 13, 2022

Biden Said What?

From a speech Biden gave a couple of days ago in Atlanta, speaking about the Democrats' "Voting Rights Bill":

"I ask every elected official in America: How do you want to be remembered? Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?" Full Speech

Um, what? First of all - what able-bodied (or un-able-bodied for that matter) person in America today is unable to vote? Even in states with the most strict rules regarding voting (you know, the ones that require *gasp* an ID to vote), there is early voting and absentee voting available weeks before the conclusion of a Federal election. The polls are open, in the vast majority of states, for 13-14 hours on Election Day. There are organizations that will provide transportation to the polling place if you need it. There is little to no excuse that any would-be voter has, for not being able to vote. Lest you think that it stops at simply trying to make it easy for people to vote...oh no, this Bill also gives the Federal government control over how states conduct re-districting (also referred to as 'gerrymandering'). It also makes the Department of Justice the Federal agency that will have the final say about whether individual states can change laws related to voting. It is a complete overhaul of how elections are run in this country...

Democrats are woefully tone deaf on this issue. This is not an issue of race or ethnicity. This is an issue of integrity, and in ever-increasing numbers, Americans are rightfully questioning the security and legitimacy of elections. This isn't something to just dismiss as 'crack-pottery'. If there isn't overriding confidence in the security and legitimacy of elections, that erodes at the very foundation of the Republic. The descent from doubt to chaos, in lieu of something to shore up confidence, will be short and and fast. THAT is the importance of this issue...but the Democrats want to make it sound like we are back in the 1940s and 1950s and that certain segments of the population are being purposefully suppressed. That *might* be true in very specific individual cases (a small handful of them), but it is not true on the whole, not even close.

Federalizing elections and election laws is Unconstitutional and this Bill needs to be stopped. Think about what Biden said - he is basically saying, if you don't agree with him, you are an enemy of the United States. Jefferson Davis was the leader of the Confederacy. George Wallace was a proponent of segregation. Bull Connor stood against the Civil Rights Bill. Biden is saying that if you disagree with him, you are like those people (all of them Democrats by the way). What an insult!

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