I live in a suburb of Chicago that is quite charming. It is a town full of families, mostly quiet, everyone most people go to Church on Sundays, neighbors know each other...a kind of 'Lake Wobegon' type place, if you're familiar with Garrison Keillor's idyllic town, or Mayberry if Andy Griffith is more your speed. Keillor described Lake Wobegon as a place where "all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average."
Just this morning, we found out that tragedy has once again touched our community - in the form of a car accident, which claimed the life of a 16-year-old girl, with one of her classmates in critical condition. Almost a year ago today, we mourned the death of our close friend's 5-year-old boy. I had seen grief before, but never like that. I had asked God questions before, but never like those. When adults die, we can at least make sense of it - but children?