Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Food for Thought: The Trinity

I'm a regular reader of Skip Moen's daily blog and highly recommend him to everyone. He is thoughtful, well-read, and clear in his writing. He is like you and me - on a journey to deeper understanding. He doesn't pretend to be an authority, he is honest with where he is at, and he likes to wrestle. I can appreciate all of these things. Yesterday, he wrote a post entitled "Evangelizing the Jews" and at the end of the post was a provocative quote about the Trinity. I understand why modern Christians hold the doctrine of the Trinity so close, but might he have a point? The Church has made this doctrine a cornerstone of theology...but no where in Scripture, Old Testament or New, is this doctrine explicitly laid out. Anyway - here's the quote:

"Perhaps you haven't thought of the far-reaching implications of a Trinitarian view of Scripture. Perhaps all that theological discussion of the dual nature of Jesus, the virgin birth, the historical background battle between Athanasius and Arius, and the equivocation over the idea of "person" was just too much to examine. But now you see that ideas have consequences, and this idea, that Jesus is God and must be acknowledged as such, changes everything about the status of the Jew. Can I be bold enough to say that the Trinity is the fundamental antisemitic doctrine of the Church, and until we deal with its divisive intent, any substantive interaction is ultimately impossible?"

 That's certainly a lot to think the full post to get the context.

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