Monday, March 4, 2024

US Being Forced Towards Totalitarianism

The current lay of the land is that one side is trying to eliminate, by any non-violent (so far) means necessary, their political opponent from the Presidential ballot. The Supreme Court has pretty much squashed their overt attempt to eliminate him from the ballot, but they have other projects on-going, including specious legal proceedings with the hopes of imprisoning Trump before the election rolls around in November. The other side of the aisle really doesn't inspire much confidence either; whether it was an insurrection or not, at least some portion of the Republican party is OK with illegally entering the capitol building and causing mayhem. Former President Trump leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to ethics and conduct as well. His constant personal attacks on anyone who shows any kind of disloyalty to him, including members of his own party, is disturbing, petty and not becoming of the office he seeks.

These aren't the concerning things though...the concerning thing is how vile and frothy the rhetoric between the parties has gotten. Everything is now a 'threat to democracy' and 'must be stopped'. One side accuses the other side of acting like a dictator and imagining, out-loud, any number of absolutely absurd scenarios that will play out should the 'other guy' get elected. What we are experiencing now, as a country, is equivalent to a fish-tailing car that is out of control. Attempts to regain control are only causing the car to veer even farther in one direction and then the other...ultimately, this will end when one party does something unthinkable...but the problem with that is that once it happens, there's no going back. Pandora doesn't get put back in the box; once chaos is unleashed, it can't be reversed.

I don't know which party will do it. I can see scenarios for both sides. All I know is that one of them will because no one is willing to slow the car down. It careens forward, out of control, with no cooler heads to prevail. We The People is crumbling from the inside - and once the fuse is lit, it is only a matter of time before the bomb explodes. Things change slowly until they change quickly. Out of a sense of self-righteousness and with a call to 'save the Republic', one of the parties is going to over-step the boundary...and the country will fall into chaos as a result.

This is what I see - I hope I'm wrong.

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