Monday, April 1, 2024

There are other gods.

Just finished "Supernatural" by Michael Heiser. I had read "Unseen Realm" a couple of years ago, but wanted a quick refresher and Supernatural seemed perfect for that. The same thought occurred to me this time around, as last time around:

How hollow is first commandment of "Thou Shalt have no other Gods before me" if there are not actually any other gods?

God is 'Yahweh Elohim', literally, "God of Gods"...but the Bible uses 'elohim' all over the place, not referring to God. I don't agree with Heiser on everything, but there is a lot I agree with him on - I particularly like his presentation of the two-part Yahweh idea and also the way he unpacks the 'Deuteronomy 32 worldview', which in my opinion, is critical for an accurate understanding of what all of Scripture is saying. Quick read, good short summary of Unseen Realm, highly recommend.

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